II LO Sandomierz


This year's edition of this cyclical event under the patronage of the Starosta of Sandomierz aimed to promote physical activity and a lifestyle in accordance with the principles of the human healthy eating pyramid among students. The event was the conclusion of a week-long series of activities aimed at the school community:

“Active and Healthy” - this is the slogan for the day of individual and team competitions for students,

“I know what I eat, or the great absentees of the pyramid” - this is the day of knowledge about the human body and a healthy lifestyle,

“Day of Biology and Health Chemistry” under the slogan “Colourful Plate” and “E- do we eat it?” - aimed at youth in the form of student tutoring.

The summary of the Health Games week was today's event: “I place the pyramid on the plate…”, with the special guest being a psychodietitian - Ms. Agnieszka Chmielewska. This holistic event emphasized the understanding of the principles of biology and health chemistry, the importance of physical activity in human life, and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. First grade students competitively presented booths reflecting the themes of the tiers of the health pyramid.

The competition results are as follows:

class 1b

class 1a

class 1e

The event coordinators were biology and chemistry teachers - Danuta Szczygielska, Katarzyna Osowska, Sylwia Orłowska and physical education teachers - Diana Kozioł, Piotr Beraś, Szczepan Ewiak, and Robert Marzec

Thank you!