II LO Sandomierz

The III County Spelling Contest for Secondary Schools ORZEŁ ORTOGRAFII has been resolved!

Today in the gymnasium of our school, in the presence of invited guests: representatives of the District Starosty, the Regional Office of Education, the Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic, directors of schools in Sandomierz, and teachers, the results of the district stage of the dictation were announced. We are pleased to inform you that the following places on the podium were taken:

1st: Aleksander Kosiński – student of II LO im. T. Kościuszki

2nd: Zuzanna Modras – student of I LO Collegium Gostomianum

3rd: Wiktoria Stępień – student of the Catholic General Secondary School named after St. Jadwiga the Queen

The laureates received prizes and commemorative diplomas. The organizers also remembered the other participants who struggled with the text of the dictation about the super transformation of a certain teenager on 29.02.2024, as well as the Polish language teachers preparing students for the competition.

We sincerely congratulate everyone!